Chakra Love Affirmation Cards


Learn which crystals create more energetic flow and balance in your chakra system and raise your vibrations. Your seven chakras are energetic centres of power and wisdom that influence all aspects of your life and the world around you.

When your chakras are aligned and in balance, you’ll experience your purest self and awaken a new sense of well-being. By working closely with these Chakra Love cards you’ll gain a deep sense of self-awareness, empowerment and healing.

  • The Chakra Love mini card set provides knowledge, awareness and tools for healing.
  • The focus is on learning which crystals create more energetic flow in your chakras
  • Program your crystals to support you with any particular issue by holding the recommended stones while in meditation and setting a healing intention.
  • The more you use your Chakra Love mini cards the more your energetic awareness and crystal knowledge will grow, and the more energetic balance you’ll be able to find.

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