Heart Felt Testimonials

" Hi Katie, I wanted to follow up with you after our session last week and to let you know I received my beautiful lariat. That session was exactly what I needed at that moment. Your calming and warm nature made it so easy to be open to the healing. My lariat is just beautiful.  I wore it as soon as I received it and can't wait for an occasion where I can really shine in it.  Thank you again, With love Kylie "

" I absolutely adore my necklace you made from our last session but feel the time is right for another session. I just realised I have 7 of your beautiful lariats. Much love and gratitude to you ." Jacqui x

"Aloha Katie,

I finally received my crystals! And may I say I am over the moon!!! I have wanted to purchase these crystals for over 5 years now.  I've looked at your website over and over filled my carts with beautiful pieces but always convinced myself not to buy them.  There was always a thought like nahhh I don't really need it plus do I want to spend that much money.  Let me just say that over the years I purchased many other crystal pieces which over the years which probably cost more than what my cart really ended at with I love chakra.  Something about those other crystal pieces made be keep looking and returning to your website and I finally did it; I bought me my first happy buddha mala and 3 crystal bracelets.  And ohhh my goodness!  Why did I wait so long.  I am it absolute love!  The amazing feeling that I felt when I held all the crystal beads in my hands was electrifying.  Thank you so much for all your responses and your care that you took to reach out to me and continue to check on me to see if my parcel was received.  Gosh! I am sooooo stoked!  Thank you for what you do and for these beautiful crystal beads that I feel are blessing with beauty, strength, balance and calm.  It is so amazing.  Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo.  Me ke aloha, Lokahi Kalili

"I got the heart chakra necklace years ago. About 9 or 10 years ago I believe. Andit truly helped me heal my broken and fragile heart. Thanks soo much guys I still love wearing it. Would love some more chakra necklaces..💜💙🧡💚💛❤

"My i love Charkra cystals mean so much to me because i have been in love with crystals my whole 52 years and finally the whole world is catching up with my beliefs"

"My I Love Chakra crystals are beautiful and unique. I can feel the vibrations when I wear them, they make me feel grounded and energized. I was lucky to get a beautiful lariat from my love, for our 10 year wedding anniversary.  💖💖"

" I have been sick for three years. It started when I had heart surgery to remove an aneurysm and close a hole in my heart. My spleen had 4 blood clots and was enlarged and half dead. The doctors never found where the blood clots were coming from. They figured the clots were flinging off my aneurysm and slamming into my spleen. Once I had the surgery to fix that, I had an obstructed hernia which then I had to have another surgery to fix my stomach. They put a mesh in me because my hernia was very large. About two months later, I started suffering in pain.  Dr.'s couldn't figure out why. My stomach was killing me, I was having chest pain and My feet were turning blue, purple and red, and swelling really bad. They would either be ice cold and I couldn't feel them or red and burning as if I was on fire. The pain was so bad, I was constantly in the ER or seeing several diff Dr.'s. . But all imaging showed nothing. The Dr.s summed it up to nerve damage and chronic pain and never found out why this was happening. I had several tests, labs ect.  But nothing. I even had exploratory surgery on my stomach. But they found nothing. I went to second, and third opinions. But everyone said the same thing. NOTHING!  They put me on tons of medications and even that was not helping me. It was just barely taking the edge off. This may sound crazy but I tried things like going to church and using holy water, praying, using sage to cleanse myself, and finally someone recommended seeing a Reiki healer.  I was like, what do I have to loose. They told me about these crystals and how they are used to heal the body, mind and soul. Well, I was so desperate at this point I would do anything. I ordered a crystal necklace. I wore it everyday. I honestly was laughing at myself, saying what am I doing. But decided to follow thru and wore it for a week. Well, a week went by and I noticed my chest pains were getting less and less and my stomach pain was not as strong. I said it's just a coincidence and another few days went by and noticed no more chest pain at all but my stomach still hurt a lil bit. One day, I took the necklace off because I was going to a wedding and figured it didn't go with my fancy outfit. I forgot to put it back on, and about a week went by and I notice my pain was coming back really strong. My husband said, "I thought that necklace was helping you". Then I realized, I'm not wearing it. I put it back on right away. After about a month of wearing it, I swear my problems started going away completely. My feet, were even going back to normal. I even stopped taking my medications for pain. Honestly, I believe this crystal has helped me. I know it sounds crazy, but I suffered three years of pain and problems. I tried so many things to help myself and nothing worked. Why has my pain gone away. The only answer could be this crystal. I would recommend anyone to try these crystals. What do you have to loose. - Thank you for listening to my story." - Kelly

"Love your crystals...I get comments about my necklaces all the time. They just add that bit of extra sparkle to your mindset...and your outfit. ❤"

" For me its the simplicity of the design, the beautiful colours and then the energy they transmit and balance. Like Alice I also love playing with them. "

"I also wanted to tell you my story and how my mala beads helped me to achieve a very long dream of mine. - I have for many years tried to have a baby with many rounds of IVF that just didn't work it was just the darkest period of my life. One day I was in front of my computer at work very early with yet another failed IVF round behind me when I plugged in your website and was drawn to your mala beads but I particularly the beautiful brown beads at the time I wasn't aware that it was for fertility , so when I read on and saw they helped with fertility I didn't hesitate I purchased them."

"When they arrive they were just gorgeous I couldn't stop holding them and I wore them all the time at night and first thing in the morning I would do my meditation and I felt at peace with all things. That November I did another IVF cycle and it worked !!!!!! I now have the most gorgeous little girl named DARCY who is 9 months old she is divine ❤️❤️❤️❤️. I am know currently preparing for another IVF transfer to give my gorgeous daughter a brother or sister and I have my mala beads near me to help as they did before . "

"A huge thank you to the I Love Chakra team for the love and dedication they put into their gorgeous jewellery. I have several chakra lariats that I purchased many years ago which are still just as beautiful as the day I bought them, actually I think the energy in them has only amplified over the years and I always get compliments whenever I wear them. I have just purchased the Heart Chakra lariat and I'm in love again, the energy of the crystals is amazing. Thank you girls I'm already saving for my next one xx"

"I love my collection of Chakra Necklaces which has grown considerably over the last few years. They are truely beautiful, natural and give me a sense of inner peace and healing. "

" Love the service and the quality,I have several products from these lovely people and have never once had a problem with their jewellery. The crystals are beautiful "

'I have bought many beautiful pieces from I Love Chakra over the years - they never seem to loose their strength & beauty. I like to think of myself as a collector now ;)Most recently I purchased an Angel Wing which I wear every day, I absolutely adore it. I'd like to thank Katie and all the lovely ladies of I love Chakra for creating these beautiful crystal creations which bring me such joy. Xxx"

"I have to tell you how MUCH I LOVE my chakra lace. I realized the other day, I haven't sent you pictures of it & me with it- they will come, I swear! Or told you how simply amazing, powerful, and beautiful it is! To have won the lace by design was such an honour and a gift, for which I am so very grateful. The compliments I get are often, & I tell everyone to visit your site, & Facebook, so they can check it out and get their own unique piece from your Chakra collection. I hope to meet you one day when my Aussie love finally takes me home for holidays! I'd be so happy to meet you stateside too, so if you're ever in NYC please let me know! My love and light shines to your love and light beautiful sister! "

"Thank you once again for your amazing talent ladies it's always such a pleasure to be in your presence, surrounded by your Life changing Chakras "

"I love that mine are so tactile, if I'm wearing them, there's a 99% chance that I'm rolling a stone between my fingers - there's something soothing about the way they feel, some are very smooth and even shaped, some have odd shapes, I love them all - I swear I could tell my laces just by feeling the stones! And that doesn't even cover the amazing colours of the stones..."

" i feel like wearing this necklace creates a stronger awareness of my central channel helping me to remain grounded in the most trying of situations. plus they are beautiful and shiny!"

 " I love the sound mine makes when I dive underneath the sea ... That silence I usually find so orgasmic and peaceful is tickled by the tingling of the stones against one another and I love that!! Thank you. I also love that my one year old boy plays with them while I breastfeed him. Super sweet x "

" Wearing my Chakra Laces just makes me feel so connected! Connected to the me that you see and the me that is the essence of who I really am! Together there is beauty & alignment and my laces are the threads that link the two me's!! I them! Thank you "

" I have been admiring these for months and would truly love to have one. Just looking at the stones gives me peace so being able to actually touch them would be amazing! "

" I recently got mine at Mind Body Spirit in Melbourne ,and from the moment I put it on I felt a warming feeling around my neck where it touched my skin , it felt like my body was smiling from the inside and I knew there and then I had to have it ! I even put it under my pillow when sleeping and fall asleep holding it, it just seems to sooth me .truly amazing I love mine .... Thankyou "

" I'll tell you one thing, that's one of the most beautiful necklaces I've ever seen!! I've gotta manifest myself one of these babies!!"

" Namaste  Katie, thank so much for the discount, its a birthday gift from myself to my soul for being so beautifuly patient with me in this spirituel journey. I could feel the power around those crystal by just looking at the pictures I cant wait to wear, feel and merge with them as one  ."

" Thank you ..infintes blessings "

"Had a very traumatic break up - I loved too deeply & he cheated after years together .. crystals have helped me stay grounded & are helping me overcome my grief."

" I really love clear crystal necklace. One night i was using my clear crystal for help with "what direction to take next". Was also doing a bit of sound healing. When done i looked up to the sky and it was a full moon. The moon was in the shape of a love heart. Felt it was such a beautiful moment." - Lisa

"I currently don't own any I Love Chakra Crystal's but since trying them on at the MBS festival in Melbourne I have felt drawn to them. Recently I had a visit from my brother whom I had a long and deep conversation with. This conversation stirred up some old emotions and opened old wounds. This made me realise that I've been carrying a lot of hate for the last 20+ years. Being a scorpio I will never forget the past and what has happened however I feel it's been too long and I need to let go. It sound easy but for me it's not. Scars run deep, wounds never heal. I need help with this and I feel this is where I Love Chakra Crystal's can help me heal, forgive, love, appreciate, live in the now and move on. "

"Well all my love chakra crystals were gifts to friends and family, which for me is gratifying that I can spread the healing, love, strength joy to my friends and family. Especially the all chakras I gave to my sister for her 50th and as soon as she turned 50 she received news of breast cancer. She focussed on her beads for healing, meditated day and night.  She is now in the clear which is fabulous – did I mention she is a yoga instructor.
She carries them with her everywhere – lines them along her mat. The other two to my wonderful nieces they are young teenagers – I would have to be honest they would probably wear them for show though they are aware of their healing nature."

" The one I have received was a gift as I purchased so many – I wear as a bracelet – blue stone to help speak out. Lol and I do! "

"It helped me to calm down and think clearly when I was in a stressful situation."

"They allow me to express my thoughts through meditation and help me harness positive energy in and within my world to create a better me and a clearer and more present mind, whilst also admiring their individual beauty. "- Victoria 

"I actually fell on to your site accidentally and so glad that I did, I have had a love of crystals for many years and have quite a personal collection.
I have purchased many items of crystal jewelry from other sources all beautiful pieces, but because I feel that the crystals choose you and not you the crystals, I feel so blessed to have found your site, I have a few more items I wish to purchase as time goes by and I will eventually like to indulge and pamper myself on one of your retreats at Byron Bay. "

"You guys are winners your site is beautifully put together and user-friendly, I have only made one purchase from you at this point, I purchased your Chakra Gratitude Bracelet, as soon as I put it on that was it, I have not taken it off not even to shower, she is beautiful and so balancing which I was I need right now, that is why I know this particular piece spoke to me as soon as went to your site I was  not really sure of what I was looking for and then I saw this beauty and that was it I had to have her thank you so much, Katie. "

"The quality of your crystals speak for themselves literally :) "

"Wishing you and your team at I Love Chakra much love and many blessings."- Cheryle

"I feel calm after using them and my 12 yr daughter and 11yr step daughter have also asked for a set so they can join in. I can practically feel the energy from each crystal. I can sense the love and dedication that had gone into selecting and crafting each piece in order to create my beautiful balance mala. I use it when I am healing clients but also wear it if I'm feeling a bit out of whack. The quality, craftsmanship and attention to detail that I Love Chakra give to all their products is truly amazing. Xx" - william

"They are unique, beautiful and help give a sense of calm and balance. Compliments flow when I wear them ☺ "

"I love My Crystals because ...
C - calming
H - harmonious
A - admiring 
K - kooky
R - radiant
A - amazing
That's why 😊❤ "
"My niece & I both bought ours together @ a body & soul festival in Melbourne. We wear them everyday. I personally feel heavy without mine."

"It is my life. I can’t leave home without it. I am lucky enough to have 2. The balance chakra and Calm bracelets. I sometimes wear both or just feel what I need on the day. After some illness I really turned to them. I wish I knew more, but at the moment the calm bracelet is keeping me calm as my kids run  around the house screaming!! Lol!!! Thank you. Next on my list is the grounding bracelet. I am so drawn to that from your website. Lots of gratitude writing this email. Thank you." - Linda 

PS. You made me a necklace years ago for my marathon. It got me through the race, and I just love it, and often just hold it. Unfortunately I don’t run anymore but hoping one day I will get back into it.

"There is a clarity and depth of colour to them which makes them glow.  The designs are beautiful and almost majestic which not only makes them special but makes me feel special too. "- Thanks Jenetta 

"Oh the beautiful colours. Each bead is unique and only one, that's what I like the most in all the things which surround me. Thank you. " Regards Diana 

"I Love My Crystals because the colors bring me joy, they bring balance to my meditation and connection to source energy." Namaste Rina

" I love all my crystals because of the healing properties and energies the lovely crystals give off.  They enhance my healing modality and help to transmute the energies that are not serving my clients, allowing a shift in consciousness and perceptions.  Therefore creating a sense of peace and centredness for the client and myself in every session.  I love my crystals." 💗💗💗 Diana

" They are like family, they surround you with love, support & guidance."

"They give you the strength to continue moving forward on bad days, warmth and joy on good days. They are like hot chocolate on cold days and cool refreshing thirst quenchers on warm days. They are an extension of our very existence. I moved to Australia some years ago leaving all bar 2 members of my family in the UK, the relocation and isolation was not an easy one to get through but i did with a lot of help from my beautiful little family  ‘of crystals’  🌈🌑🌟☯️❤️ " - Love and Light Anne x

"I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love my Mala Necklace. I’ve been wanting one for years and finally last fall is when I got it. I had preventative bilateral mastectomy with I am please to say just had my last surgery Friday! Yay!! I bought it because I couldn’t imagine recovering without it. "

"This necklace you can see and feel immediately how precious it is. When I use them in my mediation or just looking at them on my nightstand before bed. It brings me so much joy. I feel protected, love and know my healing will continue.. mind body and spirit. 
I wanted to send a note sooner so happy I got received this email!"

"Thank you so very much for creating this beautiful piece. Such a treasure to have. I’m so grateful. Sending you all love and light! " - Sincerely Rosanne

"I love my crystals because each piece of beautiful jewelry is unique with the finest quality Crystal beads  And no matter what jewelry piece I wear I feel the crystals energy surrounding me and helping me heal parts of myself. I love that these stunning pieces are beautiful to wear everyday yet have such a spiritual healing power to them." - Thank you Rebecca 

"They make me feel good and balanced when all else is leaving me of keel. "

"I've always been a strong believer that we have our answers inside us, that in some way, somehow we already know what we truly want and what is not resonating with us. 
I love my crystals because I feel connected to it, there is something powerful coming out of it. As everything is energy, I feel that when I ask a question to the universe while holding my crystal, the answer is even clearer, so I go from a space of duality to a space of unity in a second." - Thanks From Paris

"I love that my chakra lace was hand picked by one of your staff many years ago. It was not the one I was initially looking at, I was going to get an amethyst one as purple is my favourite colour. She told me that wasn't the one for me, I needed one that would "calm the moments in my head"  . I might add here that Rafiki from the Lion King uses a very similar quote, a quote I have loved for years. Anyway, she was right. As soon as the lace was put on me, I fell an instant calm. The feel of the crystals are so divinely smooth, I love the uniqueness of each one.... No too are the same and they each have their own beauty and flaws. And, furthermore, I can use it in many different ways. "

I first come across I love chakra at a expo I attended in Brisbane last year and absolutely fell in love with your crystals. I would love crystals for anxiety and stress and calm.
They were a ten year anniversary gift to myself - ten years of stepping out of a toxic relationship and being a single mum. In that time I had not gifted myself anything, always putting others first. Purchasing my crystals from you was a celebration of all that I had achieved and for the life I had created. I wanted to buy two but couldn’t justify it and I know that you still have the Rose Quartz one put away for me which I will gift myself ASAP. I’m so grateful for your patience and understanding. "

"Whenever I want to feel confident and good about myself I reach for my stunning Intuition necklace xox "- Much love and gratitude Sue

"They feel like my best friend which understands my soul... "

" Each week different crystals provide me with the inner "tools" need for various aspects of my life." - Warm regards Danielle 

"I Love My Crystals because they are beautifully presented, quality crystals.
They create such beautiful works of art. I breathe, relax and centre my thoughts, if just for one moment per day.  They bring me comfort and hope as I sit by my daughters bedside in hospital as she has treatment for Stage IV Melanoma.   I say my affirmations and hold the crystals in my hand and they keep me positive." - Julie

"Crystals are not simple look good crystals you get from around the corner shop. They actually give you the feel and look of the Crystal it makes you know the vibes and also the look of it stays the shine and the purity on them."

" I just wanted to say thank you so much for the bracelets and the necklace they are really beautiful and I feel really blessed to have them. "

" Oh my goodness....  I received my necklace today and it is more beautiful than the pictures allow. I ripped the envelope open (and thank you so much for the hearts next to my name!!!!) while still in the car and put it on. I was on my was to a star gazing class in our local national forest so was wearing hiking clothes and bug repellant as my perfume. All that to say, not my fancy best, but when I got there I was immediately stopped by a couple of women who complimented me on my necklace. It seems they had been looking for something like this but had not been able to find one they liked. I happily gave them your website info."

 " I am very excited to experience what is going to happen with me the more I wear this. I know the energy is real and healing....and I look forward to having everything line up and balance with and for me. "

 " You have a beautiful website, gorgeous jewelry, and a spirit that radiates kindness, joy and peace. I look forward to adding to my collection."

" Thank you for doing what you do, how you do it. " Blessed Be, Hugs, Cici

"Thank you SO much for the beautiful mala and bracelet that arrived yesterday - they are absolutely gorgeous and full of good energy. " 

" i got one of your necklaces at wanderlust 2014 and absolutely love it. it has travelled with me all around the world and is so easy to dress up or dress down. it's my balancing reminder of who i am and where i'm from when i'm jet-lagged, exhausted, or just in need of a bit of grounding. thank you - i love it! "
" thank you so much for my new necklace l!! I now won't do readings without wearing it and still even now feel like a strong sheild is protecting me when I put them on in the morning…" 

" I got my rainbow chakra Mala in the mail, today! I am in looove "  

“ Thank you so much for getting back to me promptly! and the same for shipping my Namaste Bracelet! "

" I've become a huge fan of your chakra laces. The heart chakra lace was the very 1st one that I got last year, and which has been incredibly, incredibly helpful and quite snuggy for me :)   "

" This year on 2 separate occasions I seem to have been led to the Black Beauty lace - also really great and just in time (like you wouldn't believe) and the Lapis Dreaming lace - we're still getting to know each other :)"  

" One of the things that I love about the laces is that instead of holding loose stones for about an hour or so, I can throw them on and go about my day.  Moreover, I don’t just benefit from one stone at a time, I benefit from multiple stones! “

" I received my happy Buddha balance mala necklace and the balance bracelet yesterday. I am so happy with these pieces! The quality is beautiful. And I immediately felt an energetic resonance with both pieces. I'm looking forward to meditating with the mala and wearing my new jewelry! Thank you! "

" Awesome!! I received my Happy Buddah and I am absolutely in love with it!!! Thanks so much for such a beautiful piece!! Can't wait to purchase more "

" Thank you so much for my speedy delivery of the Chakra lace that I ordered on Thursday. Im so grateful as I'm gifting them on Monday. They look great, I absolutley love them. I know I wear mine constantly, especially in summer and I have never holidayed without them in the last 4 years. It was lovely speaking with you and as easy and helpful as I'd remembered. I look forward to ordering more, hopefully for christmas." - Kind regards Angie

"Sometimes you have to miss things before you fully realise their impact. My beautiful chakra bracelet had been worn lovingly over a long period, and a couple of months ago the elastic had finally given way, I placed the crystals in a bowl on my mantlepiece and would look at them each day with the intent of rethreading. I finally sat down and put them all back together, I had taken a photo of them so they are all in the original order, and a soon as I placed it back on my wrist there was a calmness that washed over me. The conscious sense of having these powerful crystals with me, has made me realise what a wonderful talisman they are." - Namaste Edwina 

"I love my crystals because, just wearing them makes me feel so much better when life is getting me down. Each unique set has it's own special vibration, and looks great no matter if you are in your everyday work clothes or going out for a night on the town."- Regards, Petra 

"I have been reading and waiting on Monday mornings for a dose of inspiration for some time now and was bequived a necklace of chakra my daughter soon rock possession and now reads Monday morning giving a 15 yr old some inspiration as well as some common ground for my self and daughter thank you see you in Sydney Friday I have been reading and waiting on Monday mornings for a dose of inspiration for some time now and was bequived a necklace of chakra my daughter soon rock possession and now reads Monday morning giving a 15 yr old some inspiration as well as some common ground for my self and daughter thank you see you in Sydney Friday" -​Regards, Noel Ashworth

"I love my crystals because.

... I love how they light up my room when I hang them from my window.

... I love their radiance when wearing them after the sun has filled them up with nourishment and warmth.

... I love their reassurance when they reflect my body heat back onto my skin and remind me of the strenght I carry within.

... I love their mutual embodiment of strength and delicacy and that in honouring their delicate beauty, their strength fully reveals.

... I love the way they connect me to my own delicate nature and allow me to see the beauty within this quality of mine.

... I love that their beauty is enhanced and more powerful when they are amongst other crystals, thereby being a constant reminder that my own inner beauty shines the most when I share and give of myself to others. Similarly, when I see the beauty in the world around me, I connect to the beauty within myself.

... I love that my crystals create a bridge between the outer and inner world, the known and unknown, that which is visible to the eye and that which can only be seen by the heart.

... I love how their magic opens my heart and connects me to the divine.

Thank you for your gift of love, precious timeless wisdom keepers. And thank you, I Love Chakra, for creating an opportuntiy to express my gratitude, not only to my crystals, but to your creative vision to bring them into my life in this very unique way. "- Love, Tina / Martina 

"Crystals have been  incredibley meaningful in my life for the past 30 years .I was given my first crystal quartz when I was 28 years of age.It was to me a turning point in my life , as I then went on to do a Crystal Light healing course with a women who knew absolutely everything about crystals and their healing powers on the Sunshine Coast. What I witnessed in this course was true evidence of crystals and their immense power which our bodies respond to . Their is strong connections with crystals and the human body.I have used them in the past for emotional , physical and also in work environmental issues . Clearing spaces for good energies and hopefully deleting negative engross to clear pathways for good intent . Most importantly is to respect them as living things. I cleanse them every full moon , and also thank them when they have help with what ever outcome that they have created ." Wendy with Love X💜🕉

 " they have helped me find my butterfly hidden within me. its been cocooned for years & thankfully my crystals have opened the door "- Julie P

 "I love my crystals because i can feel their warm, loving vibes. They show how powerful they truly are when i go on nature walks, its awesome!" – V

 "Just having them beside my bed, knowing they are there, gives me comfort! If im having a bad day or want to boost myself in some area I carry the relevant crystals to support me." – Bec 

 "I was living in Perth, Western Australia, and I knew this lady who was an Sanyassin,, she did healings, she did a crystal layout on my chakras and after a good half hour of her procedure I came out of it. But as she removed the crystals from my chakra points I didn’t really feel anything, but when she came to the crystal on the third eye I actually felt it slide and disappear into my third eye, I mean to say, it simply was not there anymore, I knew she had placed it there, throughout the session I could feel it there, but when the session was over, the crystal had simply vanished."

"Another one, I was working as a tarot reader at a local market, this lady ran a sort of new age type stall, books, cards, and crystals, she had a box of assorted quartz, she asked me to pick one out, which I did. It was really dark, I mean really dark almost black, but it felt right, I took the crystal and literally held for two full days, just quietly sitting with it, energising it, when I finished I had a superb piece of clear quartz, all the black and darkness had gone. I still have it with me, after nearly thirty years, I know it is my personal universal record keeper."

 "They are crafted with such care and attention that I can sense the love and energy embodied in each beautifully selected piece. I wear my Balance malas when I do healing sessions and I swear they give me magical powers 😉" -william wong

 "They give me intention, invocation and protection. They make me, me "– Amanda P

 "Helps me communicate with my father. He passed away 5 years ago, but "comes back"when l meditate with crystals. He introduced me to them and power of their energy.When combined with fucused mind can create real wanders. Just like the one l can experience now..." Thank you father, thank you crystals... - Gosia R

"Each and every time I wear them, they impart their gentle flow of strength and spirit"

"Let me tell you a crazy story. I have always loved crystals but never really understood how the my affect me or felt any different with them.
That is until I got one of yours and a friend bought me a necklace.
Things were going really sour for me, like real sour, my partner wanted to split, my work was overwhelming and my manger a real sour bitch through and through. I couldn’t get a break in life. So my friend wanted to cheer me up and bought one of your necklaces and I wore it day and night. And even though my life around me didn’t get any easier, the way I felt and dealt with it sure because a lot more of a breeze and I learnt to trust, let things go and let them happen. I have never looked back from that honestly. The necklace she bought me broke of course and I think the gem was red and that it was garnet by memory but I moved on from that situation in life. I couldn’t have done it without it, it was my friend as of it was holding my hand thought the darkness.
Thank you for what you do "- Kindly Marijana T

 "There’s  one in my crystal family who I call the stowaway.  She’s my little clear quartz and it doesn’t matter how careful I am in placing her in different places around the house whenever I go on a trip away she manages to smuggle into my handbag. The best one was when I went to Bali and had the intention of taking my rose crystal for love during my travels and forget. My girlfriend quizzed me in Bali during our sunrise viewing if I took any of my crystals as she brought her rose ones and I said no but later found that the clear quartz managed to sneak in. I love all my crystals but I love her just a little more." 

" I love my Crystal's more than ever, I am separated from my husband and it's been very hard and difficult, but my crystal have helped me over come my biggest hurdles and fears. They have kept me on a positive note and lifted me up when I felt I could not have gone another set back."

"My Crystal's have become a part of my everyday life now. Dont know how I would have gotten this far with out them!" - Blessed Be! 

 "I love my crystals because they have gotten me through some tough times. I have battled with anxiety and depression and since having my second child I have battled ocd as well, talk about hat trick!"

" I use the crystals as part of my daily meditation to bring me strength and enlighten my chakras. To say they have helped save my life would be an understatement and I am thankful to I love chakra crystals for the exceptional quality and love each item carries with it."- Kindest Regards Bianca Masi

" My I Love Chakra crystals nourish and protect me. I love that gentle dangle of stones that play touch and go with my belly as I walk about my day. They reassure me they've got me. I value them as gorgeous, gentle and friendly guardians of my body. They come to me particularly right before a momentous shift in my personal life. They spiritually assist me with feeling into my intuition and creativity. Whether the intention is, purchasing a throat chakra necklace for my mother to release her inner truth, caressing my sacral chakra stones before writing some sensual poetry or grasping my solar plexus tiger's eye before getting on a theatre stage, these crystal lariats have helped out through a lot of healing and have helped me gain a lot more harmony in my life. "- Emina 

"I went to the MBS show not for seeing buying crystals but as we walked past I was drawn and as soon as they were around my neck, I felt this sense of cool calm come over me. It was a lot of money for me, so I visited other sections & just had to come back to buy them. I haven’t regretted it at all. I have had them for a long time & even though two stones have come loose, I treasure them. They still give me the same sense of peace. I am not in a state to buy more strands but always admire the other styles from afar ;) Thanks for your time, " - Ofelia

"I love my crystals because... their texture reminds me of adventures, their colours, of the people I meet, and their properties help my journey along! I take them for a drink in the ocean, I release to them the stuff that no longer serves me and pray to them for a bright, fulfilling and glorious future!! " - Peace and Love Caro Toledo 

"they are all unique" - Kathy

"I was drawn to  the Balance necklace quite a few years ago. The Universe obviously knew what was coming in the years ahead as we took on the care of our granddaughter.  She was laden with emotional baggage that manifested in a variety of ways. My Balance necklace, and more recently, my Essential oils have helped me maintain my equilibrium as we have dealt successfully with each  issue ." With Gratitude, Robyn 🙏

"They help to unlock the creativity I need and remove any hesitation to take necessary risks in life. Wearing the cheerleader has empowered me to recently take a leap of faith into the unknown so that I can create an abundant life filled with choices based on love rather than fear." – Jo K.

"They give me love, happiness, peace and serenity and above all crystals are my source of connection to the beautiful universe we live in! "- Michelle.

"Gorgeous and very serene - just what I need xx"

"For balance, love, healing and protection no better than I Love Chakra crystals"

"They are exquisite beautifully made"  
"My beautiful I LOVE CHAKRA crystals embrace 🤗 and uplift the whole ME 😇 and shine for all to Love 🧡💛💛💙💜 I am grateful I am blessed ❤❤"
Patty Kikos.

Wellness Celebs Who Wear Our Crystals


Patty Kikos, Shiva Rea, Deva Premal, Seane Corn, Nancy Levin, Nahko, Bianca Machliss, Jacki Carr, Marie Beth LaRue, Deepak Chopra, Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Cimone Louise Fung, Indigo Tarot, Mitchell Coombs, Micheal Franti, Sacred Earth Music, Future Sound of Yoga, Angie Simmons, The Spa Whisperer, Tamika Hilder, Kate Kendall and many more.

