Turn Off The Fear YOU were born into a state of love consciousness, not a fear constraint. This week, try to consciously turn off all the #FearPorn in your life.As always, self awareness is key.So perhaps start a journal and keep a note of how much fear affects your life.Ask yourself, where do your fears come from? And how much do you let them control your beliefs and behaviours?Keep note, of the energies and entities that use fear the most. Ask yourself who benefits from you being in fear?Eg: Advertisers play on your insecurities to ensure you buy the next useless item off Amazon. Movies, TV, & main stream media feed us repetitive stories to affect social norms, mass beliefs systems...
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Distraction Remember who you are.As we continue on our divine path to reconnect to our higher consciousness, dark forces make evermore desperate efforts to thwart our awakening. Hurling ludicrous fear campaigns, that turn our heads towards our devices, in an attempt to distract us from our own power. Ironically all they succeed in doing, is awakening the masses. ;D Whatever stage of the awakening process you are at, take heart that you are not alone, because when you choose the awakening journey, you are supported by God.Although peeling away programming can be a painful process, remember your growing sense of sovereignty is helping illuminate human consciousness to the infinite power of love.Know thyself. By doing the internal...
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What is Enlightenment? Enlightenment is a destructive process.It has nothing to do with becoming better or happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth.It's seeing through the facade of pretence.It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. - Adyashanti --- To break free from the façade of pretence, we must let go of everything we thought to be true. We must resist the tendency to look outside of ourselves for direction, because there lies all the distraction, division & deception. Truth, direction, love and enlightenment only come from deep soul reflection, when you connect with source. It comes when you recognise the power of...
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UNKNOWING During these important times of transition we are being tested by fear. These tests are inspiring many of our brothers and sisters to awaken to a new state of consciousness. Everyday more of us are leaving the veil of fear and division behind. As we journey together towards a new paradigm of love consciousness and unity, we are collectively moving through an uncomfortable space in between. The Space of Unknowing.We must get comfortable with this space of discomfort, allowing ourselves to experience the void. Learn to enjoy the vacuum of vacancy, as you unravel from so many deceptions. From this empty space we can reevaluate and rediscover what it means to be human, and redefine how and why our souls came to be...
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Fears are paper Tigers– Amelia Earhart To choose to change is a difficult decision. Rather, the initial decision may seem easy but all the little follow-up decisions may seem daunting. Whenever we attempt something big or new we are faced with fear and the insecurities of a thousand “what ifs”. In these instances our intuition can guide us towards right action, but it is the act of deciding on a daily and at times momentary basis that actually creates the change. It is a process worth striving for. What F.E.A.R stands for. F.E.A.R stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Do not let...
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We are stardust. We are golden,and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.- Joni Mitchell In today's world, there are many false flags that distract us from the pure miracle of life. There are delusional fools attempting to manipulate what it means to be human, because they have forgotten what a wondrous gift it is to be a Child of God,But we are standing up, we are uniting and we are reclaiming our humanity, and our sovereign power in peace.To Live Free & Fear Less This week try and pull more positive and peaceful energy into your field, so you can give it back to the world. Remember to raise your...
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